Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Loving Kindness Meditation,The Real Mind Power.

Make your real mind poer works for you.The more you give love,the more you get their love back in return.When you give love to all,you will get all of love back to you.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blog and Ping.

Ping over fifty blog services instantly.Pingoat also has an XML-RPC server.Ping service like Technorati,Newsgator,Feedster.


Social BookMarking Services.

Social Poster. Social bookmarking services and community websites submitter.
Over 50 popular social bookmarking sites are supports.
It will create new accounts on social bookmarking websites automatically.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Social Bookmark Networks.

Most people think of Social Bookmarking as just another passing fad used by teenages and internet junkies to make friends and share pictures or games.The reality though ,is that Social Bookmarking is growing exponentially as a mainstream part of the internet,and you can take advantage of the tremendoes opportunity this creates.

You can learn some secrets of using Social Bookmarking to make hugh amount of website traffic?

Foe example,You can make money with Squidoo.com.Because Squidoo is well optimised on Google and if you can optimise your article around the main keywords then you will have success.

You may write article about thing you love and put them on Squidoo.
You will get visitors who come to Squidoo every day.

You will earn $5 for your article that post on Squidoo and when your friend post an article on Squidoo len you get another $5.


There are some list of Social Networks you may interested.

1. digg.com 16,964.445 visitors per month.
2.Technorati.com 3,231,709 "
3. del.icio.us 1,699,128 "

4. Propeller.com 1,454,912 "

5. StumBle Upon.com 1,313,586 "
6.reddit.com 1,226,467 "
7. kaboodle.com 1,757,763 "

You may interested with new Social Networks that increasing their members every day.

1. Yuwie

This is a get paid when you have activities with them ,for example,post blog,visit sites etc.


2. SaleSpider.

You can earn money with Google revenue sharing program.This site can give you free leads for your business.You ear money with new referral.

Social Networking on Squidoo.

A New Niche Traffic Opportunity.

It shows you exactly how I managed to use Squidoo to drive traffic to my sites and brand my name on the net as an up-and-coming information intrepreneur.

Easily capture Laser-Targeted,Highly Profitable leads for your Niche by following this simple,step-by-step system.Using Squidoo-A grown up version of My Space.

An Ebook on how to effectively use Squidoo to generate leads for your business,which I highly recommend.


charanyanond,Social Bookmarking and Ping.